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Li Peiwu

Date:2017/09/21   Hits:  

Title/Position: Professor, Chief Scientist, Head of Department
2. Director of Key Laboratory of Detection for Mycotoxins, MOA, P.R. China
3. Director of Laboratory of Quality & Safety Risk Assessment for Oilseeds Products (Wuhan), MOA, P.R. China
4. Director of Quality Inspection and Test Center for Oilseeds Products, MOA, P.R. China
Activity area in scientific research
1. Risk assessment on natural biotoxins (e.g. aflatoxin, glucosinolate and diacetoxyscir-penol, etc.) and chemical contaminants (e.g. pesticides, 3-MCPD esters and glycidyl esters, etc.) in agro-products from farm to table, especially in oilseeds and grains products
2. Mycotoxins-producing mechanism, prevention/reduction/control of mycotoxins and contaminants in agri-food by physical, chemical and biological methods
3. Development of arbitration inspection and rapid assay for agri-food quality & safety, including advanced instruments such as high resolution UPLC/GC-MS and cheminformatics based arbitration inspection, immunoassay, home-built monoclonal antibody against biotoxins and pesticides, and the related special instruments
4. Authentication and traceability of agri-food, especially authenticity identification and adulterant detection of edible vegetable oils
5. Development and evaluation of rapid screening methods (e.g. immunoassay, test kits) and determinate quantitative methods (e.g. HPLC/GC-MS/MS), including the validation and comparison in/between international qualified laboratories

Address:Xudong 2nd Road,Wuhan,Hubei,430062,P.R.China
Phone:0086-27-86811837 Fax:0086-27-86816451